ScrapIt Pro is the Mother of All Scrapbooks. It stores and indexes anything you can copy to the clipboard, import, or drag & drop: sounds, PICTures, text, QuickTime movies, and lots more — all accessible at the click of a mouse! You can print thumbnail pictures or text lists of all items in any Scrapbook file. You can quickly and easily search through all the text items or item names of a scrap file to find what you’re looking for. You can actually edit text, play movies, and copy pictures — right in the window!
What you need
System 6.0.5 or later.
Installation summary
Open the SOFTWARE SAMPLER folder on the CD-ROM. Open the ScrapIt Pro folder; if you like, drag the ScrapIt Pro program icon to your hard drive. (You’ll probably want to put it, or an alias, into your Apple Menu Items folder.)
The manual
The manual is a double-clickable electronic document in the ScrapIt Pro folder.
Notes and credits
Author: John V. Holder. Shareware: $15.
John V. Holder, 2862 Lowell Street, Eureka, CA 95501